We have started the process to have monkey (our 4yo) tested with
the school system. Yesterday, I took her to her pediatrician to talk to him.
She hasn’t been sick in a long while so it was time to just talk to him about her
slow learning and quirky behaviors. He was going to have her hearing tested
even though she seemed fine, but the machine was broken. He said we will do
that at another time. We were referred to a pediatrician neurologist for early
July. Our pediatrician believes she needs some type of behavior therapy. We all
see sensory issue problems, but he believes there may be some autism traits. I
filled out new milestone forms and her old ones were pulled and scored.
Whatever is going on, he believes it is not “bad” or severe, but needs to be
figured out. After the neurologist, we will be sent to a Developmental Clinic
to test her for many different things. Besides the behaviors, she does not
learn as fast as other kids.