Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Eggless Tapioca

One of my favorite desserts growing up was tapioca. When you have an egg allergy this is something that you give up because face it, the store bought all ready-made tapioca kind does not taste like tapioca. I always loved the make-it-on-the-stove-kind. Not to mention the sweet smells in the kitchen. 

You will need 3 tablespoons of Kraft Minute tapioca

1/3 cup white sugar

2 tablespoon of water

2 ¾ cup milk, I use fat free and it tasted great

2 tablespoons cornstarch

2 teaspoon pure vanilla

Cinnamon for topping, if you like

Add tapioca, milk and sugar to your pot and cook for 5 minutes on medium heat.

Mix cornstarch and water in a small cup and put to the side.

Boil and sir tapioca in the pot constantly, then add cornstarch mixture, and continue to boil until tapioca thickens.

Add vanilla and remove from heat and allow to cool. Once you serve, top with cinnamon.

Original recipe was found on, but I slightly adapted this recipe for my own tastes as I felt the original recipe was a little bland. 


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